Saturday, October 24, 2009

my work


I am presenting a collection of my works created over the past 6 months of my study. In essence, my work aims to ponder the connection between body and object. This relationship is especially significant when making objects to adorn the body.


I began my journey in to the world of contemporary jewellery making simple ornamental pieces of jewellery to be worn on the body. Through this process, however, I have come to understand the different layers of association and history which are embedded in even the simplest pieces of jewellery. I have become aware of the processes I use as a maker and how these effect the meaning of the finished product. I have become aware of my own relationship with the objects I produce and how this effects them when they enter the world as an object.


Most recently, I have been caught up with my fascination with hands; how, as artists we use our hands to make and create, and how this making forms a permanent relationship with the object produced. Through my works I enjoy creating objects that ponder this relationship. I have attempted to define the term ‘hand made’ by experimenting with making using only the hands, and no or minimal tools. I have produced a variety of objects, both wearable and non wearable.


I have been examining hands, and how they behave. Different ways of grasping, grabbing or touching something. My most recent works have examined the nature of tactility.


My process involves a fair amount of thinking, but an increasing amount of play. I am trying to play more with material in order to better understand its behaviours and its properties. I have found this new way of thinking to be invaluable in my process. Some of my most successful pieces have come about as a result of a material experiment. My aim is to try to allow the material to speak its own language within the object created. The significance of material cannot be overlooked in creating objects, as each material carries its own set of codes and signs.


Ultimately, through my object making, I intend to try and create interesting objects which communicate with the body, rather than simply adorn it.


Natalie Walker

Newport, Sydney

NSW, 2106

I am an international student from the UK studying at the University of Sydney’s Sydney College of the arts. I am studying a Bachelor of Visual Arts, majoring in Jewellery and Object design. I am currently looking for a position within the jewellery industry, where I can work to maintain and improve my skills alongside my studies. I have adequate bench skills, and have two years experience with most basic metal smithing processes including soldering. I am also confident working with larger machinery in the jewellery workshop, and I am familiar with the OH and S requirements for such machinery. Through my work to date I have worked with sterling silver, fine silver, copper, brass, nickel silver, aluminum, pvc and resin. I have had experience with outsourcing industrial processes such as wax casting, model making, gold and silver plating and anodizing. I take pride in every aspect of my work, and always strive to produce to produce the highest possible standard of finished work.

I am a highly motivated individual, with strong career goals and aims. I am fiercely independent, having done a lot of traveling and now settling in Australia to study. I am highly committed to my studies and my work. I put 100% into everything I commit to. I work well in a team, but am also able to work efficiently alone, with good organizational skills. I am always keen to learn new things, and enjoy being taught


  • UK high school certificate finishing with A level Grades:

Ø    Biology A

Ø    Chemistry A

Ø    Visual Arts B

Ø    Geography C

  • Near completion of second year of bachelor of visual arts at Sydney College of the Arts (Sydney University) majoring in Jewellery and object.

Ø    Year 2 Sem 1: Average 74.25 (Credit)

Ø    Year 1 Sem 2: Average 77.25 (Credit

Ø    Year 1 Sem 1: Average 79 (Credit)

Other Qualifications:

  • Surfing Australia Level 1 Surf coach
  • Surf Lifesaving bronze medallion
  • PADI Diver Qualifications up to and including Rescue diver.
  • Emergency first response first aid
  • RSA

Work experience

Sydney Work Experience

  • Manly Wharf Hotel

Manly Wharf, Sydney

Sept 06 – March 07


Both part and full time work behind the bar over a six-month period. Duties included general bar duties, till use and cleaning.

  • General Pants Co

Waringah Mall, Sydney.


March 08 – Present.

Part time work in retail sales. Duties include general sales, till use and merchandising.

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